Friday, March 28, 2008

A Favorite Song

This is what I have been listening to lately. It's one of my favorite bands Arcade Fire covering an old France Gall song. I love French music so much and especially France Gall. Enjoy!


Ella Gregory said...

Its good

heather said...

I was just watching some france gall on youtube the other day. what a lovely lady. the newer ones with an older france gall have just the slightest tinge of sad. it's nice to remember her back when....

geri hirsch said...

ohh amazing! i love arcade fire!

Anonymous said...

(Listening to the song got me starting the comment in french ;) ) - This reminds me of the soundtrack of Death Proof (the latest Tarantino) - there's a certain song there much like this one "April March - Chick Habit".

Anonymous said...

oh dear, silly me! I went looking it up on youtube and it's France Gall's original "Laisse tomber les filles".. So it's just another cover song. Thanks for bringing me closer to the truth! ;)